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This document contains information on the copper and fiber test limits found within the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer, CertiFiber Pro OLTS, OptiFiber Pro OTDR and FI-7000 FiberInspector. A PDF reader is required.

Este é o software necessário para fazer o download dos resultados de teste de um CableIQ Qualification Tester. Desenvolvido para ser executado em Windows® XP, Windows Vista® ou Windows® 7.

Versiv Firmware v6.13 Build 2 supports Versiv Cable Certification Products (DSX CableAnalyzer, CertiFiber Pro, OptiFiber Pro, FI2-7300 MPO Inspection Camera, and FI2-7000 FiberInspector Pro) and requires LinkWare 11,6.

Versiv Firmware v6.13 Build 2 supports Versiv Cable Certification Products (DSX CableAnalyzer, CertiFiber Pro, OptiFiber Pro, FI2-7300 MPO Inspection Camera, and FI2-7000 FiberInspector Pro) and requires LinkWare 11,6.