Self Calibration Guidelines - DSP 4x00 CableAnalyzer

Your analyzer should be returned to a Fluke Networks Service Center every 12 months for calibration. Using traceable artifacts, your analyzer will be calibrated assuring you of its accuracy. Only Fluke Networks Service Centers can do this.
You can also try the following as a guide: (please make sure you have the latest x.925 software in your tester first)
          Connect the two units together as shown in Figure 1 below.
DSP 4x00 CableAnalyzer Calibration
Figura 1. Self Calibration
          Run the Self Calibration in SPECIAL FUNCTIONS
          Now run the Self Test in SPECIAL FUNCTIONS
          Set the standard to TIA Cat 6 Channel
          Run the AUTOTEST.
          NEXT margin should be greater than 20 dB
          RL margin should be greater than 19 dB
If both Self Calibration and Self Test come back PASS, with NEXT margins greater than 20 dB and RL margins greater than 19 dB, it is a good indication that your analyzer is performing within specification its a simple sanity check. Do not expect the NEXT margin to be exactly the same each time, the figure reported is in the noise floor of the tester. 

We regret to say we are no longer able to offer calibration and repair for the DSP-4x00 CableAnalyzer. It has been replaced with the DTX CableAnalyzer.