Crônicas sobre cabeamento

How to Save Money and Time in Testing Fibers with SmartLoop

The only way to get correct values when performing Tier 2 testing of duplex fiber links with an OTDR is via bidirectional testing that averages the measurements taken from both ends of the link.

Bidirectional testing used to involve testing the fiber from one end, walking the OTDR to the other end to test again and then averaging the two values to get the results—and it had to be done for each link.

30 de dezembro de 2016

Testing New Cable Tester in 2017


Chegou novamente a hora de apresentar nossas previsões para as maiores tendências em testes no próximo ano.

Obviamente, a internet das coisas (IoT) continuará sendo uma grande impulsionadora no cabeamento de todos os tipos de redes - desde LAN, onde veremos mais dispositivos do que nunca conectados por cabos de par trançado de cobre, até centros de dados, onde a demanda para cabos de fibra de alta velocidade continua a crescer - à medida em que as empresas enfrentam a necessidade de acessar, transmitir e armazenar um volume de dados sem precedentes.

14 de dezembro de 2016

How Accurate is Your Optical Loss Test Set?

You have just made a loss measurement using an Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS). The measurement was made to a test limit, the result was a PASS, and the margin was provided. Have you ever thought about how much margin is acceptable?

1 de dezembro de 2016

Much to be Thankful for

There is much to be thankful for in our industry these days as market growth continues to be fueled by the IoT and big data driving the need for LAN and data center upgrades.

23 de novembro de 2016

Bi-Direction Testing with an OTDR


17 de novembro de 2016

Testes de cabo 101: How to Read the LinkWare™ PC Report

In our last 101 Series Blog, we took at closer look at everything in blue at the top of your LinkWare Report. But what if your customer wants you to explain the detail and those pretty charts to the right?

Let's dive deeper so you're prepared for that possibility.

10 de novembro de 2016

Testes de cabo 101: Understanding Your LinkWare Report

So you used your DSX-5000 to test some recently installed copper network runs for your customer. You can easily see on your tester if the link failed or passed for the application you were testing, but now your customer wants a customized report showing the detail. 

3 de novembro de 2016

Understand the Wide Band Multimode Fiber (WBMMF)

20 de outubro de 2016

Testes de cabo 101: There's No Gain with "Gainers"

Akin to water flowing from a small pipe into a large pipe, gainers are essentially perceived increases in optical power that occur at splice points due to variations in fiber characteristics, including core diameter, numerical apertures, mode field diameters and backscatter coefficients.

13 de outubro de 2016

Benefits of Using 8-Fiber Plug and Play MPO Solutions

The use of plug-and-play 12-fiber MPO solutions for multimode fiber backbones in the data center has been popular for several years, starting with 10 Gigabit Ethernet where 12-fiber MPO assemblies connect MPO-to-LC cassettes or modules that transition the 12-fiber MPO connections to 6 duplex LC connections.

6 de outubro de 2016