Crônicas sobre cabeamento
Why a Cat 6A Patch Cord Adapter has that funny little “A” next to the 6
If you’ve seen a set of Category 6A Patch Cord Test Adapters, you may have wondered why the “A” is subscripted. It has to do with the standards that the adapters support. The little “A” denotes that the adapter meets the ISO/IEC specifications for a patch cord test.
7 de janeiro de 2012
The worlds most trusted cable tester reaches an imporant milestone
30 de novembro de 2011
VoIP for the masses…the end of “voice grade cabling”
23 de novembro de 2011
Encircled Flux still a hot topic in the standards
Fluke Network's fiber optic technologist Seymour Goldstein just returned from Melbourn Australia where he attended IEC SC86C/WG1, and ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC25/WG3 meetings. I caught up with him this week and got a download from his trip.
8 de novembro de 2011
4 de novembro de 2011
26 de outubro de 2011
A visit from visionaries Koeman, Thwing, and Martins.
The other day I heard a familiar, yet unexpected voice coming from the Fluke Networks Lab. In a moment I recognized the voice of Henri Koeman, the retired long time Fluke Networks employee and veteran of the cabling standards commitees.
25 de outubro de 2011
The Truth About Twisted Pair Patch Cords Take 2
As I mentioned in the previous blog, the interest in patch cord testing caught my attention. I picked up some cords from local distributors, got a DTX CableAnalyzer a couple of sets of patch cord adapters, and hit the lab for a couple of hours. My goal was to take a crack at some of the myths about patch cords:
24 de outubro de 2011
The Truth about Twisted Pair Patch Cords
Non compliant cabling products have been the subject of magazine articles, discussions at conferences, publicized lawsuits, and government agency investigations during the last few years.
24 de outubro de 2011
Blog A001
As you can tell from the title of this post, this is my first Cabling Chronicles blog. My name is Harley Lang and I'll be the guy doing most of the blogging here, so let me introduce myself and how I got here. The story could start with a ten year old boy using a lineman's snips for school art projects, but instead it starts in 1995 when I was a college sophomore, fresh out of the Marine Corps and in need of a job.
24 de outubro de 2011